Thursday, October 18, 2018

Chapter 1 Sri Hanuman_Married and Yet a Bramhachary. What is the Purpose of this Blog

Shri Suvarchala Hanuman

Hanuman Sarvadevata Stuthi

This Stuthi or Praise can be chanted by any devotee of Hanuman.  This Praise contains different dimensions of Hanuman Personality , and one such Dimension is " Husband of Sri Suvarchala"


गोष्पदीकृतवारीशम मशकीकृतराक्षसम् |
रामायणमहामालारत्नम वन्दे अनिलात्मजम

“ I pray to that son of Wind god  , who treated  an Ocean like a hoof of a Cow and Rakshasas as Mosquitoes. I pray to that son of Wind god , who is the Greatest Jewel in the Garland called “Ramayana”

As an “I “residing in my body, when “I” try to Pen down the Greatness of Lord Hanuman,  “I” vividly recollect the  above Shloka from Valmiki Ramayana where Saint Valmiki himself  could not capture the complete personality of Hanuman in spite of calling Lord Hanuman “The Jewel in the Garland of Ramayana “

How can “I “An Insignificant Mortal Ego explain the Greatness of an Avatar whose “Identity” is  absorbed in deep Nectar of Non-Duality.

If Any Reader finds any mistakes or any sort of inaccuracy in “MY” analysis: “I “pledge my ignorance as “I” is all Ignorance. 

May Lord Hanuman guide me in right direction. 

Purpose of this Blog:  

Many Books were published on this Topic , but the intention of this Blog is to make Devotees to Understand an accept the Fact that Lord Hanuman is Married and yet a Bramhachary( Celibate)

A Truth about Hanuman Marriage ( Click here fore more details ) which of course is  accepted by most of the  Hanuman Sadhak’s  and Devotees.   Dr.Sri.Annadanam Chidambara Sastry is a Great Hanuman Upasak and Founder of “Hanuman Adyatmika Kendra “

Purpose of this Blog : 

1) The Purpose of this Article is explain this Fact to Everyone in the most logical way and with Evidences so “ We “ Hanuman Lovers can appreciate the Multi-faceted Personality of Hanuman and Develop More Respect towards Hanuman and on his Bramhacharya Vrata!

2) Looking at present Situations , Youngsters in Our Country should understand the Complete Character of Hanuman so that they can live a life full of Value's.

3) Any Sadhaka who is into Spiritual Practice also  needs to have a Complete Understanding of the "Deity "  which is the center of his Spiritual Practice.  

4) Finally in this Blog  I will also provide details of "Sri Suvarchala" so that we can appreciate the "Bramhacharin" concept we have in our Culture 

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