Thursday, October 18, 2018

Chapter 3 :Lord Hanuman Details are completely not documented in Ramayana

Hanuman is Married and Yet a Bramhachari

This might not go good with General Public as Hanuman is portrayed as a Bramhachari in every Story.The only Authentic source on Hanuman for most of us  is “Ramayana” and  Ramayana Does not mention Lord Hanuman as married!

If Hanuman was married why it was never documented in Ramayana?

Ramayana is the Story of Lord Rama. A divine epic composed by Great Valmiki only to mention that “Rama is Personification of Dharma”.

The First Chapter of Ramayana ( Balakanda : Sarga 1 , Sloka 1 to 6 ) clearly says that Valmiki Enquired Narada about the Perfect Human being in the World ; Someone who is Virtuous, conscientious and someone ever Mindful of Truth.Someone on whom Sage Valmiki can compose an Epic.

 The entire Ramayana can be put in One sentence which Valmiki wanted to Prove to the World  – “ Ramo Vigrahavan Dharmaha!”If this is the Main intention of Valmiki how can Ramayana Capture the Complete life of Lord Hanuman?

There are so many characters in Ramayana about whom Valmiki has not provided much details.

My former statement will not be accepted by the Readers of Ramayana and Devotees of Hanuman a like ,  because Valmiki mentioned Hanuman as the “Jewel in the Garland of Ramayana”  and if such is the case how can  Valmiki Forget to mention details about such a Jewel in his Epic?

Valmiki actually mention the details ,Not so vividly but as message which can only be understood after a due thought!

Example: The Famous Panchamukha Hanuman is not mentioned by Valmiki directly in Sundarakanda.  It requires an Upasak /Devotee to Dive Deep into Sundarakanda to realize the Hidden form!

Hanuman indeed is a precious Jewel in Ramayana, but his entire story cannot be captured in Ramayana as the purpose of Ramayana is to provide future generations an example of an Ideal Man!
In Entire Ramayana,  Lord Ram behaved as Human Being only to Prove that he is an ideal Human Being . But Hanuman did not behave an a Mere Human Being in Ramayana , if such is the case why will Valmiki Mention all the details of this Jewel!

Only those Aspects of Hanuman necessary for Ramayana were selected by the Great Sage Valmiki.

However Valimiki did leave certain threads in Ramayana 

Ø  When Sugriva saw Lord Rama and His Brother Lakshmana walking into the Forest, he sent Hanuman to Enquire about their where bouts.

Sugriva says “ gachcha jaanihi bhadram te vaturbhutva DwijAkrutihi ” ,here Sugriva advices hanuman to Dress Like a Bramhachary Bramhin !
If Hanuman is Un-Married Sugriva will not mention hanuman to dress like a Bramhachary Bramhin !

Ø  Sundarakanda Sarga 11
पर दार अवरोधस्य प्रसुप्तस्य निरीक्षणम् II , इदम् खलु मम अत्यर्थम् धर्म लोपम् करिष्यति |
हि मे पर दाराणाम् दृष्टिर् विषय वर्तिनी  II अयम् अत्र मया दृष्टः पर दार परिग्रहः |

In this Verse Lord Hanuman speaks “that I have seen the wives of others in these sleeping positions which might afflict my Dharma. My Mind is not into “Others Wives “
“Paradhara” = someone’s Wife. If someone is unmarried he would only call them as  “Women”  but the Lord Hanuma  uses the word “Others Wives! “
It clearly infers someone other than his wife! Master of all Vedic Knowledge and Sastra’s cannot not use the word “ Others Wife” by Mistake!

Note : There is an Instance Where Suvarchala has been mentioned in "Sundara Kanda" as the Wife of Lord Sun. If that is the Case how can Hanuman be Married to Suvarchala? Please Click  " Here " to know who is Suvarchala

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