Thursday, October 11, 2018

Chapter 9 : Suvarchala Wife of Sun God or Daughter of Sun God

Many references have been provided to Readers in Chapter 9 that Sri Suvarchala is the Daughter of Sun God and the Wife of Lord Hanuman.

The Only Counter Argument made  by some Critics that Hanuman is Not Married to Suvarchala is by Quoting a Sloka from Ramayana  - Sundarakanada which says : 

दीनो वा राज्यहीनो वा यो मे भर्ता स मे गुरुः |
तं नित्यमनुरक्तास्मि यथा सूर्यं सुवर्चला || 

"Although wretched or without kingdom, whoever is my husband, He alone is my master. Like Suvarchala with the Sun God, I am fond of Him always."

Explanation 1 :

The Above Statement is also true when we look it from Perspective of the relationship between Wife and Husband. 

In the Above Sloka "Suvarchala" is mentioned to describe the "Power of the Sun". I have already Mentioned in Chapter  about what is the relationship between a Diety and its Power. 

Some if its Power from Sun has been "Saperated " Later by Vishwakarma which was accepted by Lord Hanuman.

Let the Readers note that "A part of Sun's Intensity ( Tejas) has been separated " which means a major part is till retained in the Sun _ which is owned by the Sun.

" This Un-saperated Part which is always present with the Sun is mentioned Poetically by Sage Valmiki.

A Part of  that  Brilliance ( Tejas or Varchas) which was saperated from Sun Accepted by Lord Hanuman _ and this Power became the Wife of Hanuman.

The Part of Brilliance ( Tejas or Varchas) still left with Sun is what Valmiki Referred here. 

Explanation 2 : 

angad angat sambhavasi
 hrdayad abhijayase
atma vai putra-namasi
 sañjiva saradah satam
“You have taken birth from my various limbs and have arisen from my very heart. You are my own self in the form of my son and May you live through a hundred autumns.” 

This verse appears in the Satapatha Brahmana (, Kaushitaki brahmana and the Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad (6.4.8).
A son is verily the Form of Father and a Daughter is Verily the form of a Mother! It is for this Reason  the Name Suvarchala which is used for  the Consort of Lord Surya is also used for Consort of Lord Hanuman.

Sita Daughter of Bhudevi - is also called Bhudevi Herself.

Lakshmi, Parvathi and Sarasavati - Part of MahaSakthi are treated as "Shakthi Rupam" 

The same way Suvarchala is the daughter of Sun god and his Wife ( Suvarchala) 
Hence the statement from Srimad Ramayanam should not create any confusions about Hanuman Marriage.

Explanation 3 : 

When any Doubts araise on the issues related to "Lord Vishnu " the reader should approach Vaishnava Litrature or have the doubts cleared from a true Vaishnava Guru.

Similarly if any Doubts araise on Lord Hanuman , we should first look into the all the texts related to Lord Hanuman and if possible reach to a Hanuman Upasak for more answers rather than coming to our own conclusions.

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