Thursday, October 18, 2018

Chapter 6 Lord Hanuman Appearing with Sri Suvarchala to his Devotees

Hanuman appearing to devotees with Sri Suvarchala

Hanuman is easily appeased  by our  little worship. 

There have been many instances where Hanuman gave darshan along with Sri Suvarchala to his devotees. 
I am providing some Stories from Parasara Samhita.

Dwaja-Dutta Charitra

This story is from Krita Yuga.

A Brahmin by name Dwaja-Dutt who was well versed in all sastra’s and used to teach in his Gurukul.

He never demanded money from the students and was happy with whatever he received as guru dakshina.

The amounts he received were very insignificant tand it became difficult for his wife “Shila” to manage the Household. However she made sure that all the basic necessities for her husband are taken care , with the meager amount she received from him every month.

One day when Dwaja-Dutt called out for his Son and his son did not reply back. 
Both Mother and Son were fasting for few days due to insufficient food in their house – but they made sure that to feed something to Dwaja-Dutt : Head of the Family.

Since his Son did not reply , Dwaja-Dutt for the first time went into the Kitchen to find the whereabouts of his son and was shattered when he found both his wife and Son utterly famished.

Dawaja-Dutt was shattered seeing the situation in his house at the same time feeling guilty that all the while his Wife and Son had no food and they have sacrificed their share of food so that  Dawaja-Dutt can satisfy his hunger.

Dawaja-Dutt decided that he cannot live in Utter Poverty anymore and wanted to find a solution for his Life. 

Dwaja-Dutt heard that  great sages reside in Naimisharanya and he wanted to receive their blessings.

In his strong  pursuit to find the right guru who can uplift his life found the sage “Pushkar” _ who was a Hanuman Upasak in Naimisharanya.

Pushkara was a great sage well versed in all sastra’s and gained Hanuman Mantra Siddhi.

Pushkara advised Dwaja-Dutt that all his past sins will be burnt and he will be blessed by immense Wealth and pleasures from this world and thereafter is he worships _ Lord Hanuman!

Dwaja-Dutt was initiated into Hanuman Mantra by Sage Pushkar. Dwaja-Dutt performed great tapasya using this Mantra for a very long time.But there was no result. It was at this time, Dwaja-Dutt lost belief in Hanuman Mantra and  in the Guru Who initiated him.He went in search of a better Guru.

There was a Hunter named "Gala"  who lived his life stealing and Killing.
At one point of a time all his Sins returned to him and he was afflicted with deadly disease and  like a Mad -man he was roaming in the forest of Naimisharanya.

“Gala” was at the point of Death and it was only by his left over  luck that he could see Sage Puskar in Naimisharanya. Gala Fell at Pushkar’s feet and begged him to save him. Sage Pushkar accepted Gala into his Hermitage where Gala recicved the treatment for his Disease. However there was no sign of progress in his Health.

Gala Spent many years under Pushkar and his character was slowly transforming. Pushkar noticed that Gala is no more “Violent_Killer” but transformed into a better Person. Sage Pushkar decided to Instruct him into Hanuman Sadhana. 

Sage Pushkar instructed Gala to bath in nearby river then get ready for initiation into “Hanuman Sadhana” Gala replied that his Guru’s feet are the most purest and those waters which was his Guru’s feet are the only water which can purify him. He washed the feet of his Guru and sprinkled it over his Head.

Sage Pushkar mentioned to Gala that he Is now instructing Gala into Hanuman Sadhana. 

Hanuman is deity who can be easily appeased by devotes having pure heart and is an Avatar God who bestows both Material and Spiritual benefits for his Devotees at once.Gala was initiated into Hanuman Mantra Sadhana. 

Once upon a time Cruel hearted person who is now full of devotion towards his Guru  hardly chanted  the Mantra for 108 times and received Hanuman blessings!
All his diseases were cured and Gala developed a power to see past, present and Future. Gods blessed him and celestial beings showered flowers over him.

Gala who was thus saved from his Sins : Fell at the Feet of his Guru Pushkar who now instructed him to lead a normal life.

Having duly received the blessings from his Guru , Gala left Naimisharanya to enjoy the benefits of Hanuman Sadhana.

It was During his return Gala met Dwaja-Dutt who by now lost reverence in all the Gods and Mantra’s. Dwaja-Dutt saw that Gala was completely transformed and enquired him about who is his guru. Gala replied that it was “Sage Pushkar” was his Guru.

Dwaja-Dutt could not believe what he heard and did not understand why he did not receive the benefits from Hanuman Sadhana! Dwaja-Dutt left to meet for Sage Pushkar and when he found Sage Pushkar , fell at his feet and lamented that iso many years of Hanuman Sadhana did not fecth him any benefits whereas Gala  just chanting Hanuman for 108 times received every thing.

Sage Pushkar meditated on the issue and found that Dwaja-Dutt did not believe in his Guru ( Sage Pushkar) and Without devotion towards Guru no Sadhak can reap the benefits.

Dwaja-Dutt repented for this and with utmost devotion towards his Guru started Hanuman Sadhana again. This time  Dwaja-Dutt chanted the name of Hanuman with Pure Heart and Devotion.

At that very Moment Lord Hanuman appeared ” with His consort “Sri Suvarchala” along with his Rudra-Gana’s appeared before Dwaja-Dutt.

The Lord was shining in Brilliance and his Teja’s was unbearable. All Devi-Devata’s and Marut Gana’s were chanting  the Lord Ruk, yajus and Sama-Veda Hyms and bowed to Lord Hanuman.

 Sri Parasara Samhita (Chapter 12)

Kapila Charitra  

There was a Village named “Barhasprutyapuram” on the banks of river Ganga. There lived a Poor Brahmin by name “Kapila”.

Kapila was an ardent devotee of Hanuman and highly knowledgeable.He was initiated into Hanuman Sadhana and  every morning he used to chant Hanuman Mantra at the banks of River Ganga till evening and used to return home.

With Great difficulty his wife used to arrange daily supplies for their House. Kapila un-interested in Worldly life was always absorbed in Hanuman devotion.

At one point his wife lost all the Hope and exclaimed that she cannot drag the family anymore and that it is time for Kapila to earn money or his God make sure his family is well fed.

Kapila as Usual , un-interested in wealth  left for his regular bath and thereafter started worshiping Hanuman.

Finally , Hanuman :The Devotee of Lord Ram, The Husband of Sri Suvarchala appeared before Kapila. He had 4 hands and was shining with Moon Like Luster. He was Dressed with all sorts of Ornaments and with beautiful ear rings. His Hair was curly and a Garland made of Pearls was shining on his breast. 

That Hanuman who wiped the Sorrow of Sri Sita,  is now standing like a tower , along with Sri Suvarchala and his Vanara Army - Jambhavaan, Vinita, Neela, Panasa, Gandhamandana, Sushena, Mainda, Dvivida and many other Vanara’s at his feet.

                                                                                     Parasara Samhita (Chapter 20, Verse 17)

Click here for More more details on different Avatars of Hanuman

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