Thursday, October 18, 2018

Chapter 4 :Secret of Sri Suvarachala and Hanuman Kalyanam

Concept behind Hanuman and Sri Suvarachala Kalyanam

Everything in this Cosmos is floating under Vibratory power of AUM. 
This Vibratory power Manifests as a Mantra for a particular cause which later takes the form.

It is for this reason every Mantra has:
1)        Rishi : From whom the Vibration emerged
2)         Chandas  :  The format in which the Vibration changed into Speech
3)        Devata :  The Physical  Form /Deity of  the Mantra

It is the Mantra the reason behind the creation of Form.

Lord Rama is a Physical form of The Rama Mantra which emerged from the Lips of Lord Shiva. Sage Vasistha choose this Mantra as the name for Lord Ram.  

( No Wonder Hanuman denies accompanying RAM during his AVATAR  END mentioning there is no difference for him between Ram Avatar and Rama Nam!) 

Similarly Name Hanuman exists even before the Birth of Lord Hanuman. 
The Mantra later took the Physical Form called “ The Hanuman “

This secret is very well composed by the Saint Tulasidas in Hanuman Chalisa
चारों जुग परताप तुम्हारा है परसिद्ध जगत उजियारा |

                                                                                                                                                    (Hanuman-Chalisa Stanza 29)

Hanuman exists from Kritya Yuga itself!There are many evidences and mantras in “Parasara Samhita” which is a treatise exclusively on Lord Hanuman (Like Ramayana about Lord Ram). 

The Samhita has so many mantras revealed during the Krita-Yuga and to mention them will be deviation from the present topic.

Sincere Devotees can Study the Parasara Samhita for more details and explanations.

Hanuman indeed is an Avatar from Krita Yuga and “Ramayana” cannot capture these Details as Ramayana is for Dwapara Yuga.  

 To Understand Marriage of Hanuman we should understand the personality of a Devata /Divine being first.

Personality of Devata

The Entire universe is divided into Male  and Female.
The Power inside a Devata is always expressed as a Female. The Body which dictates the Female Power is expressed as a Male!

Brahma is the creator of Universe.Brahma for creation of Universe requires the knowledge of Veda’s.  Veda’s are ageless and are only heard  as “Vaak ( Speech)
Hence Brahma accepted  Vakdevi ( Power responsible for Words ) as his Companion. Vakdevi means Saraswati.

Lord Vishnu maintains the Creation and maintenance of creation requires a lot of Resources. So these resources which are making the Universe to Survive are very precious!!! He needs an assistance to ‘handle” the precious resources – which is Wealth! 
Hence the Word _ Lakshmi! The Consort of Lord Vishnu!

Lord Siva the destroyer of Cosmos requires lot of Energy for complete desolation! Hence the Un-controllable energy is termed as “Maha Sakthi” or Parvathi !

Lord Vinayaka  is  The lord of Knowledge : Hence the consorts Siddhi and Buddhi.

Lord Karthikeya who decided to kill Tarakasira and other Demons , for which he required a Huge Army. Hence “Sena” is his Consort. In this Physical form he required a Powerful shield to face such an Amry and that Power ful shiel or that Powerful Current encoiled across his Body is Valli! Lord Karthikeya’s another Consort is Sri Valli!

Manmadha (Lord of Love) is helpless without power of Rati. Hence Rati  is his Companion.

Lord Agni who burns everything depends on Swaha Sakti (which means to consume). Hence Swaha is his Companion.

Sun Lord is god of light and where there is light, there is Shade and hence his consort “Chaya”. 

Sun also has “Rising and Falling “as his quality at the Day and Dawn time; hence “Usha” and “Sandhya” are his other Companion’s.

Every Devata has a Female aspect  which is “the Core energy “ inside him , and this Core Energy is portrayed as the Wife of a Particular Devata.It is for these reasons during any auspicious events or festivals of a Deity, the Marriage of the deity is celebrated! ( Sri Rama Kalyan during Rama Navami, Parvathi Kalyan During Shiv Ratri ..etc)

“Hanuman, the Eleventh avatar of Lord Rudra( Ekadasa Rudramasha) ,  with his extraordinary Tapas and Brahmacharya is full of Tejas.
This Tejas develops in a Body when the Fire of Bramhacharya is Ignited.  And this Fire of Bramha charya gives a Brilliance or Tejas /Aura to the Body .

It is no wonder  During the Agni Sacrifices the follwoing phrase is used 
“ Yet te agne Varschas tena aham Varchasvi BhuyAsam”  is used, where the Varchas has been described in relation with Agni.

Since Hanuman developed the fire of Bramhacharya t hat  very Tejas or Varchas (Brilliance) which is inseparable from Hanuman is “Su-Varchas”… which is “Suvarchala!!!!”

Sri Suvarchala is indeed The Companion of Lord Hanuman!

Questions: Who is Sri Suvarchala? What is the reason behind her Birth and when was she married with Hanuman!

Click here for More details about Suvarchala

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