Thursday, October 18, 2018

Chapter 5 : Story of Sri Suvarchala

The Story of Sri Suvarchala

The Parasara Samhita (Chapter 6) describes the Birth of Sri Suvarchala in detailed:

Story Goes Like below:

 Sandhya –One of the Wives of Lord Sun  could not bear the intensity of  Rays of Sun and complains  to her Father Vishwakarma.

Vishwakarma approaches  Sun and with Sun Permission reduces the “intensity “ of His rays by separating some of Sun's Rays.From these separated  Light Rays, emerges a beautiful Lady ; – Suvarchala!

Looking at her Beauty, all the celestial beings enquired Brahma about who will befit her as Husband.
Brahma replied :
ईशरस्य  महातेजो - हनुमान् दिवि भास्करम्
फलभुध्या तु ग्रुह्नीयात्- तस्य भार्या भविश्यसि”

Translation: “Hanuman_ the one emerged from the Tejas of Lord Shiva , who by mistake goes to Catch the Sun – will be the Husband  of Suvarchala“ 

As we all are Aware Young Hanuman mistook Sun god for a Fruit and tried to Swallow Sun God. Indra releases his Vajra on Hanuman and Hanuman Collapses. On Seeing his beloved son in such a state Wind god ceases to move and locks himself in a cave.This poses threat to the entire world as there is no life without Air.

It is at this moment Lord Brahma with other Gods blesses Hanuman with unlimited Boons. 
Every Deity present at that moment blessed the Bala Hanuman with a unique Boon.

It is at this moment Sun god promises to Hanuman that he will teach him all the Knowledge in the Universe.
Bala Hanuman at the right age as directed by his Mother Anjana approaches Sun god to pursue his studies.

The Story turns so dramatic when Surya though ready to be a tutor to Young Maruthi , expressed his concern that he cannot stop moving as entire Solar System is dependent on his movement. 

Hearing this the Young Maruthi  answers to the Sun to keep moving and he will be facing the sun at any given point by always flying in the Sun Orbit and by moving Backwardsin the Orbit. 

Finally the determined Maruthi  at the verge of completing his Education under the Guidance of Lord Surya is informed  there is one subject left - “The Nava Vyakarana” which  cannot be taught to an Un-married!

Note: According to Khagendra Samhita , Nava Vyakarana is divided into 9 parts of which : the first four parts can be taught to an Un-Married but the Last 5 parts Should not be taught to an un-Married

Lord Surya Impressed by such a worthy Student gifts his own daughter “Sri Suvarchala” in Marriage for Hanuman.Sun also mentions that his lifelong Celibacy will not be  disturbed as Sri Suvarchala  is also a Bramhacharin and will follow it all her life.

Lord Hanuman married Sri Suvarchala on Jyesta Shukla Dasami during Uttara Nakstra which was falling on Sunday.

Many Hanuman Devotees and Sadhak’s perform Hanuman-Suvarchala Kalyanam on that Day every Year.This day is celebrated in Many Ancient Hanuman Temples; where Marriage ( Kalyanam) of Hanuman With Sri Suvarchala is performed.

I will provide the  List of temples where “Suvarchala Hanuman” Kalyanam is held every Year under Section “ Suvarchala – Hanuman Temples”

Note: Every Hanuman devotee is aware of “Hanumath Vrata”
During Hanumath Vrata we invite Hanuman with Following “Avahana Mantra”

आगच्‍छ हनुमदेव त्वम्  सुवर्चलयासहा
पूजा समाप्ति पर्यन्तम् भव सन्निहितो मुदा

we invite God Hanuman along with Sri Suvarchala”
In the same “Hanumat Vrat” we also recite him that he is a Bramhachary in the below Verse

पीतकौसेय कौपिनम् धार्यम् च ब्रम्हचारिभि:

अर्पयामि महIबाहो घ्रुहना पवनIत्मजा

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