Thursday, October 18, 2018

Chapter 1 Sri Hanuman_Married and Yet a Bramhachary. What is the Purpose of this Blog

Shri Suvarchala Hanuman

Hanuman Sarvadevata Stuthi

This Stuthi or Praise can be chanted by any devotee of Hanuman.  This Praise contains different dimensions of Hanuman Personality , and one such Dimension is " Husband of Sri Suvarchala"


गोष्पदीकृतवारीशम मशकीकृतराक्षसम् |
रामायणमहामालारत्नम वन्दे अनिलात्मजम

“ I pray to that son of Wind god  , who treated  an Ocean like a hoof of a Cow and Rakshasas as Mosquitoes. I pray to that son of Wind god , who is the Greatest Jewel in the Garland called “Ramayana”

As an “I “residing in my body, when “I” try to Pen down the Greatness of Lord Hanuman,  “I” vividly recollect the  above Shloka from Valmiki Ramayana where Saint Valmiki himself  could not capture the complete personality of Hanuman in spite of calling Lord Hanuman “The Jewel in the Garland of Ramayana “

How can “I “An Insignificant Mortal Ego explain the Greatness of an Avatar whose “Identity” is  absorbed in deep Nectar of Non-Duality.

If Any Reader finds any mistakes or any sort of inaccuracy in “MY” analysis: “I “pledge my ignorance as “I” is all Ignorance. 

May Lord Hanuman guide me in right direction. 

Purpose of this Blog:  

Many Books were published on this Topic , but the intention of this Blog is to make Devotees to Understand an accept the Fact that Lord Hanuman is Married and yet a Bramhachary( Celibate)

A Truth about Hanuman Marriage ( Click here fore more details ) which of course is  accepted by most of the  Hanuman Sadhak’s  and Devotees.   Dr.Sri.Annadanam Chidambara Sastry is a Great Hanuman Upasak and Founder of “Hanuman Adyatmika Kendra “

Purpose of this Blog : 

1) The Purpose of this Article is explain this Fact to Everyone in the most logical way and with Evidences so “ We “ Hanuman Lovers can appreciate the Multi-faceted Personality of Hanuman and Develop More Respect towards Hanuman and on his Bramhacharya Vrata!

2) Looking at present Situations , Youngsters in Our Country should understand the Complete Character of Hanuman so that they can live a life full of Value's.

3) Any Sadhaka who is into Spiritual Practice also  needs to have a Complete Understanding of the "Deity "  which is the center of his Spiritual Practice.  

4) Finally in this Blog  I will also provide details of "Sri Suvarchala" so that we can appreciate the "Bramhacharin" concept we have in our Culture 

Chapter 2 :What we know and do not know about Lord Hanuman

Hanuman: What We Know and What We Don’t

A Cursed Kapi , who lost  of all his powers during Young Age ;  A Vanara who silently followed his friend Sugreeva , when his Cruel Brother Vali  ordered his exile ;  A Mystic Monkey who took the form of a Brahmin in-front of the Brahman himself (Lord Ram) to enquire about  their status in Forest; “A Master of all the Veda Sastra’s and Dharma’s “As Praised by Lord Rama – The Dharma Personified; A Greatest Diplomat who could establish an Alliance between  “ Sugriva : A  Run-Away  who couldn’t  even take care of his wife “  and between  “ The Lord Rama – The King Who Rules the Heart of Maha Maya – Sita “ ; An Insignificant Monkey who found himself not even worthy of entering  the discussion about Crossing the Ocean while others were busy expressing their strength and Limits; The Son of Vayu flying  at the Speed of Thought; A Siddha Who could dictate the limits of his body and his Mind at Will; The Destructor of Lanka; An Avtar exhibiting his Maya Pancha Mukha form  in front of Maha Maya Herself! ( Sita Mata); A Fire God himself who burnt the Wealth of Ravana's Lanka  ; A Rudra himself whose fierce form created Awe in hearts of demons ; A Rishi with great Tapas Sakthi ,  that  his Very Tejas deprived  Mighty Ravana all his powers; The Mighty Son of Kesari who lifts the great Dronagiri; Mighty Warrior Kapi , whose presence on Arjuna’s chariot neutralized all powerful weapons aimed at Arjuna; A Chiranjeevi who decided to stay alive  till the end of Cosmos; The Next Brahma (Creator of Cosmos) for the coming Cosmo Cycle; A  life time Celibate  Guiding saints in every Yuga ! And Finally………………….………………..“The Husband of Sri Suvarchala”

However this secret is not openly discussed even amongst Hanuman Sadhak’s, due to the fear that it may be Interpreted by General Public in Wrong way!

The Purpose of this Article is explain this Fact to Everyone in the most logical way and with Evidences so “ We “ Hanuman Lovers can appreciate the Multi-faceted Personality of Hanuman and Develop More Respect towards Hanuman and on his Bramhacharya Vrata!

Click here to know why Hanuman Marriage was Not Documented in Srimad Ramayana

Chapter 3 :Lord Hanuman Details are completely not documented in Ramayana

Hanuman is Married and Yet a Bramhachari

This might not go good with General Public as Hanuman is portrayed as a Bramhachari in every Story.The only Authentic source on Hanuman for most of us  is “Ramayana” and  Ramayana Does not mention Lord Hanuman as married!

If Hanuman was married why it was never documented in Ramayana?

Ramayana is the Story of Lord Rama. A divine epic composed by Great Valmiki only to mention that “Rama is Personification of Dharma”.

The First Chapter of Ramayana ( Balakanda : Sarga 1 , Sloka 1 to 6 ) clearly says that Valmiki Enquired Narada about the Perfect Human being in the World ; Someone who is Virtuous, conscientious and someone ever Mindful of Truth.Someone on whom Sage Valmiki can compose an Epic.

 The entire Ramayana can be put in One sentence which Valmiki wanted to Prove to the World  – “ Ramo Vigrahavan Dharmaha!”If this is the Main intention of Valmiki how can Ramayana Capture the Complete life of Lord Hanuman?

There are so many characters in Ramayana about whom Valmiki has not provided much details.

My former statement will not be accepted by the Readers of Ramayana and Devotees of Hanuman a like ,  because Valmiki mentioned Hanuman as the “Jewel in the Garland of Ramayana”  and if such is the case how can  Valmiki Forget to mention details about such a Jewel in his Epic?

Valmiki actually mention the details ,Not so vividly but as message which can only be understood after a due thought!

Example: The Famous Panchamukha Hanuman is not mentioned by Valmiki directly in Sundarakanda.  It requires an Upasak /Devotee to Dive Deep into Sundarakanda to realize the Hidden form!

Hanuman indeed is a precious Jewel in Ramayana, but his entire story cannot be captured in Ramayana as the purpose of Ramayana is to provide future generations an example of an Ideal Man!
In Entire Ramayana,  Lord Ram behaved as Human Being only to Prove that he is an ideal Human Being . But Hanuman did not behave an a Mere Human Being in Ramayana , if such is the case why will Valmiki Mention all the details of this Jewel!

Only those Aspects of Hanuman necessary for Ramayana were selected by the Great Sage Valmiki.

However Valimiki did leave certain threads in Ramayana 

Ø  When Sugriva saw Lord Rama and His Brother Lakshmana walking into the Forest, he sent Hanuman to Enquire about their where bouts.

Sugriva says “ gachcha jaanihi bhadram te vaturbhutva DwijAkrutihi ” ,here Sugriva advices hanuman to Dress Like a Bramhachary Bramhin !
If Hanuman is Un-Married Sugriva will not mention hanuman to dress like a Bramhachary Bramhin !

Ø  Sundarakanda Sarga 11
पर दार अवरोधस्य प्रसुप्तस्य निरीक्षणम् II , इदम् खलु मम अत्यर्थम् धर्म लोपम् करिष्यति |
हि मे पर दाराणाम् दृष्टिर् विषय वर्तिनी  II अयम् अत्र मया दृष्टः पर दार परिग्रहः |

In this Verse Lord Hanuman speaks “that I have seen the wives of others in these sleeping positions which might afflict my Dharma. My Mind is not into “Others Wives “
“Paradhara” = someone’s Wife. If someone is unmarried he would only call them as  “Women”  but the Lord Hanuma  uses the word “Others Wives! “
It clearly infers someone other than his wife! Master of all Vedic Knowledge and Sastra’s cannot not use the word “ Others Wife” by Mistake!

Note : There is an Instance Where Suvarchala has been mentioned in "Sundara Kanda" as the Wife of Lord Sun. If that is the Case how can Hanuman be Married to Suvarchala? Please Click  " Here " to know who is Suvarchala

Chapter 4 :Secret of Sri Suvarachala and Hanuman Kalyanam

Concept behind Hanuman and Sri Suvarachala Kalyanam

Everything in this Cosmos is floating under Vibratory power of AUM. 
This Vibratory power Manifests as a Mantra for a particular cause which later takes the form.

It is for this reason every Mantra has:
1)        Rishi : From whom the Vibration emerged
2)         Chandas  :  The format in which the Vibration changed into Speech
3)        Devata :  The Physical  Form /Deity of  the Mantra

It is the Mantra the reason behind the creation of Form.

Lord Rama is a Physical form of The Rama Mantra which emerged from the Lips of Lord Shiva. Sage Vasistha choose this Mantra as the name for Lord Ram.  

( No Wonder Hanuman denies accompanying RAM during his AVATAR  END mentioning there is no difference for him between Ram Avatar and Rama Nam!) 

Similarly Name Hanuman exists even before the Birth of Lord Hanuman. 
The Mantra later took the Physical Form called “ The Hanuman “

This secret is very well composed by the Saint Tulasidas in Hanuman Chalisa
चारों जुग परताप तुम्हारा है परसिद्ध जगत उजियारा |

                                                                                                                                                    (Hanuman-Chalisa Stanza 29)

Hanuman exists from Kritya Yuga itself!There are many evidences and mantras in “Parasara Samhita” which is a treatise exclusively on Lord Hanuman (Like Ramayana about Lord Ram). 

The Samhita has so many mantras revealed during the Krita-Yuga and to mention them will be deviation from the present topic.

Sincere Devotees can Study the Parasara Samhita for more details and explanations.

Hanuman indeed is an Avatar from Krita Yuga and “Ramayana” cannot capture these Details as Ramayana is for Dwapara Yuga.  

 To Understand Marriage of Hanuman we should understand the personality of a Devata /Divine being first.

Personality of Devata

The Entire universe is divided into Male  and Female.
The Power inside a Devata is always expressed as a Female. The Body which dictates the Female Power is expressed as a Male!

Brahma is the creator of Universe.Brahma for creation of Universe requires the knowledge of Veda’s.  Veda’s are ageless and are only heard  as “Vaak ( Speech)
Hence Brahma accepted  Vakdevi ( Power responsible for Words ) as his Companion. Vakdevi means Saraswati.

Lord Vishnu maintains the Creation and maintenance of creation requires a lot of Resources. So these resources which are making the Universe to Survive are very precious!!! He needs an assistance to ‘handle” the precious resources – which is Wealth! 
Hence the Word _ Lakshmi! The Consort of Lord Vishnu!

Lord Siva the destroyer of Cosmos requires lot of Energy for complete desolation! Hence the Un-controllable energy is termed as “Maha Sakthi” or Parvathi !

Lord Vinayaka  is  The lord of Knowledge : Hence the consorts Siddhi and Buddhi.

Lord Karthikeya who decided to kill Tarakasira and other Demons , for which he required a Huge Army. Hence “Sena” is his Consort. In this Physical form he required a Powerful shield to face such an Amry and that Power ful shiel or that Powerful Current encoiled across his Body is Valli! Lord Karthikeya’s another Consort is Sri Valli!

Manmadha (Lord of Love) is helpless without power of Rati. Hence Rati  is his Companion.

Lord Agni who burns everything depends on Swaha Sakti (which means to consume). Hence Swaha is his Companion.

Sun Lord is god of light and where there is light, there is Shade and hence his consort “Chaya”. 

Sun also has “Rising and Falling “as his quality at the Day and Dawn time; hence “Usha” and “Sandhya” are his other Companion’s.

Every Devata has a Female aspect  which is “the Core energy “ inside him , and this Core Energy is portrayed as the Wife of a Particular Devata.It is for these reasons during any auspicious events or festivals of a Deity, the Marriage of the deity is celebrated! ( Sri Rama Kalyan during Rama Navami, Parvathi Kalyan During Shiv Ratri ..etc)

“Hanuman, the Eleventh avatar of Lord Rudra( Ekadasa Rudramasha) ,  with his extraordinary Tapas and Brahmacharya is full of Tejas.
This Tejas develops in a Body when the Fire of Bramhacharya is Ignited.  And this Fire of Bramha charya gives a Brilliance or Tejas /Aura to the Body .

It is no wonder  During the Agni Sacrifices the follwoing phrase is used 
“ Yet te agne Varschas tena aham Varchasvi BhuyAsam”  is used, where the Varchas has been described in relation with Agni.

Since Hanuman developed the fire of Bramhacharya t hat  very Tejas or Varchas (Brilliance) which is inseparable from Hanuman is “Su-Varchas”… which is “Suvarchala!!!!”

Sri Suvarchala is indeed The Companion of Lord Hanuman!

Questions: Who is Sri Suvarchala? What is the reason behind her Birth and when was she married with Hanuman!

Click here for More details about Suvarchala

Chapter 5 : Story of Sri Suvarchala

The Story of Sri Suvarchala

The Parasara Samhita (Chapter 6) describes the Birth of Sri Suvarchala in detailed:

Story Goes Like below:

 Sandhya –One of the Wives of Lord Sun  could not bear the intensity of  Rays of Sun and complains  to her Father Vishwakarma.

Vishwakarma approaches  Sun and with Sun Permission reduces the “intensity “ of His rays by separating some of Sun's Rays.From these separated  Light Rays, emerges a beautiful Lady ; – Suvarchala!

Looking at her Beauty, all the celestial beings enquired Brahma about who will befit her as Husband.
Brahma replied :
ईशरस्य  महातेजो - हनुमान् दिवि भास्करम्
फलभुध्या तु ग्रुह्नीयात्- तस्य भार्या भविश्यसि”

Translation: “Hanuman_ the one emerged from the Tejas of Lord Shiva , who by mistake goes to Catch the Sun – will be the Husband  of Suvarchala“ 

As we all are Aware Young Hanuman mistook Sun god for a Fruit and tried to Swallow Sun God. Indra releases his Vajra on Hanuman and Hanuman Collapses. On Seeing his beloved son in such a state Wind god ceases to move and locks himself in a cave.This poses threat to the entire world as there is no life without Air.

It is at this moment Lord Brahma with other Gods blesses Hanuman with unlimited Boons. 
Every Deity present at that moment blessed the Bala Hanuman with a unique Boon.

It is at this moment Sun god promises to Hanuman that he will teach him all the Knowledge in the Universe.
Bala Hanuman at the right age as directed by his Mother Anjana approaches Sun god to pursue his studies.

The Story turns so dramatic when Surya though ready to be a tutor to Young Maruthi , expressed his concern that he cannot stop moving as entire Solar System is dependent on his movement. 

Hearing this the Young Maruthi  answers to the Sun to keep moving and he will be facing the sun at any given point by always flying in the Sun Orbit and by moving Backwardsin the Orbit. 

Finally the determined Maruthi  at the verge of completing his Education under the Guidance of Lord Surya is informed  there is one subject left - “The Nava Vyakarana” which  cannot be taught to an Un-married!

Note: According to Khagendra Samhita , Nava Vyakarana is divided into 9 parts of which : the first four parts can be taught to an Un-Married but the Last 5 parts Should not be taught to an un-Married

Lord Surya Impressed by such a worthy Student gifts his own daughter “Sri Suvarchala” in Marriage for Hanuman.Sun also mentions that his lifelong Celibacy will not be  disturbed as Sri Suvarchala  is also a Bramhacharin and will follow it all her life.

Lord Hanuman married Sri Suvarchala on Jyesta Shukla Dasami during Uttara Nakstra which was falling on Sunday.

Many Hanuman Devotees and Sadhak’s perform Hanuman-Suvarchala Kalyanam on that Day every Year.This day is celebrated in Many Ancient Hanuman Temples; where Marriage ( Kalyanam) of Hanuman With Sri Suvarchala is performed.

I will provide the  List of temples where “Suvarchala Hanuman” Kalyanam is held every Year under Section “ Suvarchala – Hanuman Temples”

Note: Every Hanuman devotee is aware of “Hanumath Vrata”
During Hanumath Vrata we invite Hanuman with Following “Avahana Mantra”

आगच्‍छ हनुमदेव त्वम्  सुवर्चलयासहा
पूजा समाप्ति पर्यन्तम् भव सन्निहितो मुदा

we invite God Hanuman along with Sri Suvarchala”
In the same “Hanumat Vrat” we also recite him that he is a Bramhachary in the below Verse

पीतकौसेय कौपिनम् धार्यम् च ब्रम्हचारिभि:

अर्पयामि महIबाहो घ्रुहना पवनIत्मजा

Chapter 6 Lord Hanuman Appearing with Sri Suvarchala to his Devotees

Hanuman appearing to devotees with Sri Suvarchala

Hanuman is easily appeased  by our  little worship. 

There have been many instances where Hanuman gave darshan along with Sri Suvarchala to his devotees. 
I am providing some Stories from Parasara Samhita.

Dwaja-Dutta Charitra

This story is from Krita Yuga.

A Brahmin by name Dwaja-Dutt who was well versed in all sastra’s and used to teach in his Gurukul.

He never demanded money from the students and was happy with whatever he received as guru dakshina.

The amounts he received were very insignificant tand it became difficult for his wife “Shila” to manage the Household. However she made sure that all the basic necessities for her husband are taken care , with the meager amount she received from him every month.

One day when Dwaja-Dutt called out for his Son and his son did not reply back. 
Both Mother and Son were fasting for few days due to insufficient food in their house – but they made sure that to feed something to Dwaja-Dutt : Head of the Family.

Since his Son did not reply , Dwaja-Dutt for the first time went into the Kitchen to find the whereabouts of his son and was shattered when he found both his wife and Son utterly famished.

Dawaja-Dutt was shattered seeing the situation in his house at the same time feeling guilty that all the while his Wife and Son had no food and they have sacrificed their share of food so that  Dawaja-Dutt can satisfy his hunger.

Dawaja-Dutt decided that he cannot live in Utter Poverty anymore and wanted to find a solution for his Life. 

Dwaja-Dutt heard that  great sages reside in Naimisharanya and he wanted to receive their blessings.

In his strong  pursuit to find the right guru who can uplift his life found the sage “Pushkar” _ who was a Hanuman Upasak in Naimisharanya.

Pushkara was a great sage well versed in all sastra’s and gained Hanuman Mantra Siddhi.

Pushkara advised Dwaja-Dutt that all his past sins will be burnt and he will be blessed by immense Wealth and pleasures from this world and thereafter is he worships _ Lord Hanuman!

Dwaja-Dutt was initiated into Hanuman Mantra by Sage Pushkar. Dwaja-Dutt performed great tapasya using this Mantra for a very long time.But there was no result. It was at this time, Dwaja-Dutt lost belief in Hanuman Mantra and  in the Guru Who initiated him.He went in search of a better Guru.

There was a Hunter named "Gala"  who lived his life stealing and Killing.
At one point of a time all his Sins returned to him and he was afflicted with deadly disease and  like a Mad -man he was roaming in the forest of Naimisharanya.

“Gala” was at the point of Death and it was only by his left over  luck that he could see Sage Puskar in Naimisharanya. Gala Fell at Pushkar’s feet and begged him to save him. Sage Pushkar accepted Gala into his Hermitage where Gala recicved the treatment for his Disease. However there was no sign of progress in his Health.

Gala Spent many years under Pushkar and his character was slowly transforming. Pushkar noticed that Gala is no more “Violent_Killer” but transformed into a better Person. Sage Pushkar decided to Instruct him into Hanuman Sadhana. 

Sage Pushkar instructed Gala to bath in nearby river then get ready for initiation into “Hanuman Sadhana” Gala replied that his Guru’s feet are the most purest and those waters which was his Guru’s feet are the only water which can purify him. He washed the feet of his Guru and sprinkled it over his Head.

Sage Pushkar mentioned to Gala that he Is now instructing Gala into Hanuman Sadhana. 

Hanuman is deity who can be easily appeased by devotes having pure heart and is an Avatar God who bestows both Material and Spiritual benefits for his Devotees at once.Gala was initiated into Hanuman Mantra Sadhana. 

Once upon a time Cruel hearted person who is now full of devotion towards his Guru  hardly chanted  the Mantra for 108 times and received Hanuman blessings!
All his diseases were cured and Gala developed a power to see past, present and Future. Gods blessed him and celestial beings showered flowers over him.

Gala who was thus saved from his Sins : Fell at the Feet of his Guru Pushkar who now instructed him to lead a normal life.

Having duly received the blessings from his Guru , Gala left Naimisharanya to enjoy the benefits of Hanuman Sadhana.

It was During his return Gala met Dwaja-Dutt who by now lost reverence in all the Gods and Mantra’s. Dwaja-Dutt saw that Gala was completely transformed and enquired him about who is his guru. Gala replied that it was “Sage Pushkar” was his Guru.

Dwaja-Dutt could not believe what he heard and did not understand why he did not receive the benefits from Hanuman Sadhana! Dwaja-Dutt left to meet for Sage Pushkar and when he found Sage Pushkar , fell at his feet and lamented that iso many years of Hanuman Sadhana did not fecth him any benefits whereas Gala  just chanting Hanuman for 108 times received every thing.

Sage Pushkar meditated on the issue and found that Dwaja-Dutt did not believe in his Guru ( Sage Pushkar) and Without devotion towards Guru no Sadhak can reap the benefits.

Dwaja-Dutt repented for this and with utmost devotion towards his Guru started Hanuman Sadhana again. This time  Dwaja-Dutt chanted the name of Hanuman with Pure Heart and Devotion.

At that very Moment Lord Hanuman appeared ” with His consort “Sri Suvarchala” along with his Rudra-Gana’s appeared before Dwaja-Dutt.

The Lord was shining in Brilliance and his Teja’s was unbearable. All Devi-Devata’s and Marut Gana’s were chanting  the Lord Ruk, yajus and Sama-Veda Hyms and bowed to Lord Hanuman.

 Sri Parasara Samhita (Chapter 12)

Kapila Charitra  

There was a Village named “Barhasprutyapuram” on the banks of river Ganga. There lived a Poor Brahmin by name “Kapila”.

Kapila was an ardent devotee of Hanuman and highly knowledgeable.He was initiated into Hanuman Sadhana and  every morning he used to chant Hanuman Mantra at the banks of River Ganga till evening and used to return home.

With Great difficulty his wife used to arrange daily supplies for their House. Kapila un-interested in Worldly life was always absorbed in Hanuman devotion.

At one point his wife lost all the Hope and exclaimed that she cannot drag the family anymore and that it is time for Kapila to earn money or his God make sure his family is well fed.

Kapila as Usual , un-interested in wealth  left for his regular bath and thereafter started worshiping Hanuman.

Finally , Hanuman :The Devotee of Lord Ram, The Husband of Sri Suvarchala appeared before Kapila. He had 4 hands and was shining with Moon Like Luster. He was Dressed with all sorts of Ornaments and with beautiful ear rings. His Hair was curly and a Garland made of Pearls was shining on his breast. 

That Hanuman who wiped the Sorrow of Sri Sita,  is now standing like a tower , along with Sri Suvarchala and his Vanara Army - Jambhavaan, Vinita, Neela, Panasa, Gandhamandana, Sushena, Mainda, Dvivida and many other Vanara’s at his feet.

                                                                                     Parasara Samhita (Chapter 20, Verse 17)

Click here for More more details on different Avatars of Hanuman

Chapter 7 : Nine Avatars of Lord Hanuman

Nine Avatars of  Lord Hanuman

Hanuman is Multi-dimensional Personality. Hanuman took different  forms to bless devotees in different Yugas.

 Each form he took for a particular cause is treated as different Avatar.

Hanuman's 6th & 7th Avatar are“Sri Suvarchala 

Hanuman Avatars”

Sri Prasanna Hanuman

Dhyana Slokam for Prasanna Hanuman

“Anjaneyam AtipAtalAlanam kAcnhanAAdri kamanIIya vigraham pAARijAta taru mUla vasinam bhAvayAAmi pavamAAn nandanam”

In this Form Hanuman is very pleasing  and Blesses Devotees Cheerfully with Ghada or Mace in one Hand and “Abhaya Mudra “ in Another Hand

There are total 13 Main Hanumath Peetha’s and “ChandraKona “is one such Peetam. Here Hanuman appeared as “Prasanna Hanuman” to his devotee Vijaya and Blessed him that he will   great warrior in his next Birth.
Vijaya by the grace of Lord Hanuman later took birth as Arjuna in Mahabharat.

Sri Veera Hanuman

Dhyana Slokam:

“ChintitArdapradam dEvam-SAntakAram mahA prabhum 
Santatam chintaye hanumantam anUpamam”

                      “ManOjavam mAruta tulya vEgAM -jitEndriYam buDhi matAam VariStam
vAtAtmajam vAnarayudha MukhYAM - Sri Rama Dootam sirasA naMAmi”

Hanuman in this form is  full of  Rajo Gunam  and with eagerness to destory enemies.

In this form the Ghada or Mace will be on the left Shoulder of Hanuman. 
In this Pose Lord will be ready to crush any evil force and one of his feet will be at front which signifies he is ready to Battle evil forces.

Sri Vimsati Bhuja Hanuman

Dhyana Slokam:                                         

“kHADgam KHEtaka bHindHivAla parusham pasa trisuladrumAN
Chakram sankha gada phalankusa sudhAkumbhAn halam parvatam
Tankam pusthaka kArmu kAhi dhamarun yEthani divyAyudha
Nevyam VimsitabAhubischa dhadhAtam hanumath prabhum! “

In this  powerful form Hanuman appears with 22 Hands of which 20 hands are dressed with different weapons and the rest 4 hands bless contain “Book” “Dhamaru” “Divne Herbs “ and Amrutha Kalash”

This form was so fierce that even Lord Brahma was Afraid to look at Hanuman

Sri Panchamukha Hanuman
Dhyana Slokam:

“Vande vAnara nArasimha KhAgarAT Krodasva Vaktranchitam
nAnAlankaranam tripAncha nAyanam dEdIpyamanAm rucha
Hasthabjai rasi keta pustHAka SudhA kumbhAakusadrinhalam
KhatVAngAm Phani Buruham dAsaBhujAm sarvAri GarvApaham” 

In this powerful form Hanuman has five Heads spread across different directions
“ Fierce Vanara aspect –  facing towards East”
“Powerful NArasihma aspect – Facing South “
“ Mighty Garuda aspect – Facing West”
“All Powerful VAraha Aspect – Facing North”
“Lord of Knowledge Hayagreeva – facing upwards"

Hanuman appeared in this form to Sri Sitamata in Ashoka vanam. It is with this form Hanuman Killed “Ahiravana” in Pataal and saved Rama and Lakshmana.

Hanuman also appeared in this form to King Neel who is the Son of King Vibhishana ( Brother of Ravana)

Sri Astadasa Bhuja Hanuman

Dhyana Slokam:

 “Sakthim pasam cha kuntam parasu mapi halam tOvamaram Khetakam
Sankham chakram trisulam musala mapi ghadaam pattisam mudgaram
Ghandivam charma padmam dvinava bhujawaraihi khadga ma pyadadhaniam
Vandeeham vAAyu sUnam suraripu madhanam bhakta rakshA sudhaksham!

In this form Lord Hanuman had 18 Hands.
Hanuman Appeared in this from to Durvasa Maharishi who not satisfied with the powers he got from different Mantra’s and decided to worship Hanuman!

Sri Suvarchala Hanuman

Dhyana Sloka: 

 “SuvarchalAdista vAma bhAgam Veerasanandam Kapibrunda sevyam
Svapaada Mulam saranam gathAnamAbhistapadam Sri HAnumAnthameleh”
In this form Lord hanuman appears with Sri Suvarchala to his Left

This Entire Blog is dedicated for this purpose.

Sri Chatur-Bhuja Hanuman
“EkenAbhayadam parena varadHam – bHOjya pArAM chApare
AnyenApi Suvarchala Kuchayugam – hAsthEna sAMbHibrataha
KarunYAmrutha pURnalOchana YugAm –pEEtAmbarAlankrutam
Ramyam vAyusutam chAtur BUjayutAm dhYAye hanumath Prabhum”

In this Form Hanuman appears with Found Hands and with his Consort Sri Suvarchala. One Hand with Abhaya Mudra blessing the Devotees , and Other Hand with Varada Mudra showering all the Boons. The other Hand contains Banana fruit and his Fourth Hand Rests on Sri Suvarchala!!

This is form in which Lord Blessed Poor Bramhim Kapila.

Sri Dvatrimshati-Bhuja Hanuman

Dhyana Sloka: 

“KHagam KHAdvAnga SAilaDruma parAsu GaDHa Pustakam sankachakre
pAsam padam trishulAm Hala musala GhatAAn TANkasaktyaksha MalAHa
DAndam va kUnta charmA chalitha kuravarA pattisAM chApabAnAAn
KhetAM mustim phalam va dhamaru mabhiBHaje biBhratam vAyusunam !

This Virat Form of Hanuman has 32 Hands.

We are in Sweta Varaha Kalpa and in a Kalpa called “Padma” Lord took this form in a Battle to Assist devas!
 Hanuman is an Avatar from Many Kalpa’s!

Sri Vanarakara Hanuman
Dhyana Solka:
“AnjanAnadanam Veeram Janaki Soka nAsanam
Kapisha Aksha hantAram –vandE Lanka bhayankaram”

This is the VANARA form which Lord took during the time of Ramayana!

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